Looking for invitations for gay and lesbian wedding invitations? Find creative and LGBTQ-friendly wedding invitations and stationery companies near you. Choose your vendor by location, service offering and customer reviews.
Defining what you want as the result is half the battle. So start by searching for wedding invites inspiration. Talk to another same-sex couple who recently got married. Search the web for “gay wedding invites ideas”.
Make sure you make your partner a part of this process. Even if you’re not doing the research together, make him / her part of the decision on your invite style.
Now that you know what you both want, it’s time to search for LGBTQ wedding invitation companies that can deliver on your vision. Keep in mind that beyond wedding invites such vendors offer save-the-date announcements, shower invitations, table numbers, calligraphy, custom monograms, cards menus, etc.
Search the web for “same-sex wedding invitations near me” to find a list of companies located closest to you. Many gay and lesbian couples find it comforting to visit wedding invite designers in person. Ask friends and family if they know of a good invitation designer.
When looking at companies check their services, if they have packages, pricing and payment options, portfolios and, of course, customer reviews. There are many graphic designers that do wedding invitations for same-sex couples. So, don’t limit your search to only LGBT designers.
Once you’ve found a company whose portfolio you love, it’s time to learn if your personalities click. The good news is that EVOL.LGBT has a “Request Quote” feature, which walks you through the key pieces of info to share.
Share your vision and ask for a sample of their past LGBT wedding invitation that in their opinion would match your vision. Knowing that your vendor understands your “ask” is a good indication of a capable professional.
If the couple is not married, address each person with the appropriate title. Write each name on a separate line, as you would for an unmarried opposite-sex couple. The order of the names usually doesn’t matter, but if you’re unsure, arrange them alphabetically. If the couple is married, you should write both names on the same line, separating them with “and.” You can choose to give each name its own titles like Mr. Alan Johns and Mr. Dan Evans. In most cases, same-sex couples will keep their last names after marriage. You may want to consider ordering the names alphabetically.