The choice of flowers for a bouquet depends on the design of your wedding clothes, the style of your celebration, on your color type and your complexion. Therefore, at the first meeting with the florist, you need to bring a sample of the fabric of your wedding suit or a photo of it. Also a photo of the place where the ceremony will be held. Try to describe all the details as much as possible. What is all this for? To create a harmonious, complete look.
The bouquet should complement wedding clothes, not compete with it. A luxurious dress, “richly” decorated, requires purity and modesty of accessories, no frills. Conversely, a modest suit can be organically combined even with an extravagant bouquet studded with crystals, decorated with silk ribbons.
Ask your florist to introduce you to the different shapes and types of wedding bouquets. There are many of them – round, cascading, a sphere-shaped bouquet, on a portaulette or on their own stems, etc. After analyzing your preferences, the invented image and the chosen style, a professional will always help you choose the shape of the bouquet that is ideal for you.
The scent of your flowers is another way to impress your guests. Imagine – the ceremony, exciting happiness and pleasant anticipation fills you, you smoothly pass by the guests, conquering them with your beautiful dress or amazing suit and the heady aroma of your bouquet, and you yourself enjoy the subtle notes of lilac or luxurious roses and peonies, or juicy scent of citrus. A truly dizzying effect, isn’t it?
Of course don’t forget that there are many different flowers around, not only a bouquet. You can decorate hall, rooms, centerpieces, arbors, archs and many more. Oh yes, flowers all over! That’s why so important to find right and really your florist, who will understand all your preferences. You can find amazingly LGBTQ friendly florists on our site: