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Category: LGBTQ Families

Apr 16

Adrian and Toby have met each other in 2016. We asked them to share some personal stories because we are really fascinated by their bright life full of happiness and love.

Feb 22
LGBTQ Family of two moms: Cara, Cara and daughter Myla

 Introducing your partner to your child Cara C.: “Well, Myla is actually my biological I had before I came out, and before I met Cara W. I raised Myla by myself as a single mom for the first 5 years of her life. Once I met Cara W, after a few months of dating I […]

Oct 07
Concerned about children being raised by a gay parent

Sometimes people are concerned that children being raised by a gay parent will need extra emotional support. Current research shows that children with gay and lesbian parents do not differ from children with heterosexual parents in their emotional development or in their relationships with peers and adults. Research has shown that in contrast to common […]

Sep 15
Amanda Ford and Amanda Whittle

2 Amanadas, 2 Souls, 2 Hearts – and one Love for Two. Love on Tinder exists! Amanda Ford and Amanda Whittle met on Tinder a little over 5 years ago. Amanda W. is from South Carolina and Amanda F. is from New York. They both moved to Florida for their jobs. It was the first […]