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Tag: gay couple

Jan 10
Jeremiah and Daniel’s Love Story

Jeremiah Bebo 32 and Daniel Madrid 35, together for 9 years (on January, 2014) First Steps Мeet at the first time Jeremiah: “January 2014 around New Years at an old gay bar called The Wrangler. We were introduced through a mutual friend (who was also in our wedding party). We started talking about music and […]

Mar 07
LOVE LETTER: Oscar Wilde AND Sir Alfred Taylor

Playwright Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for his “crime” of homosexuality, driven into bankruptcy and exile and finally succumbed to an untimely death. In June of 1891, Wilde met Lord Alfred “Bosie” Douglas, a 21-year-old Oxford undergraduate and talented poet. Their correspondence is seen as some of the most beautiful in history. In January of 1893, […]

Oct 18
Anthony and Antonio – Love from “Hello”

This is a story about two men who found their soul mate. First meet and First feelings They first met on December 8, 2018, when they were introduced by a mutual friend, who thought they would be a perfect match.  Neither one of them was looking to be in a relationship at the time; however, […]

Sep 30
Luisa and Delia – New York Wedding

First Date and First Impression Luisa thought, that Delia the most intimidating woman she had had ever met. And Delia thought, that Luisa very sweet and tender. Seems to a fairytale “Beauty and the Beast” 🙂 After their first date, they continued to talk and spoke on the phone for hours at end. They went […]