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Category: LGBTQ Pride

Oct 15
10 LGBTQ Parenting Books for you

  Here is a list of 10 books that offer LGBTQ advice, support, empowerment, and occasional comic relief regarding parenting: 1. Raised by Unicorns: Stories from People with LGBTQ+ Parents edited by Frank Lowe Frank Lowe brings us a collection of essays from children raised by LGBTQ+ parents. The essays convey uplifting and informative details from […]

Oct 02
How do Celebrities support LGBT?

Taylor Swift The Grammy winner has become an advocate for the LGBTQ community over the years, with one of her first references of support appearing in 2014’s “Welcome to New York.” The song, which appears on 1989, includes the lyric: “And you can want who you want / Boys and boys and girls and girls.” […]

Sep 25
History of the rainbow LGBTQ flag!

The first flew of a universal symbol of hope for LGBTQ people around the world was in San Francisco’s United Nations Plaza for Gay Pride Day, on June 25, 1978. It was designed by Gilbert Baker, an openly gay artist and activist. His friend Harvey Milk, the first gay elected official in California, asked him to […]

Sep 22
Interesting LGBT Facts Nowadays

1. 72 per cent of bi women and 56 per cent of bi men have experienced anxiety in the last year.   2. One in eight LGBT people have experienced unequal treatment from healthcare staff because they are LGBT.   3. 35 per cent of LGBT have hidden that they are LGBT at work for […]

Sep 16
Great List of the 30 LGBTQ best movies!

Over 100 film experts including critics, writers and programmers such as Joanna Hogg, Mark Cousins, Peter Strickland, Richard Dyer, Nick James and Laura Mulvey, as well as past and present BFI Flare programmers, have voted the Top 30 LGBTQ+ Films of All Time. The top 30 1. Carol (2015)    Director  Todd Haynes Beautiful, moving, with fine […]

Jun 26
How Four Same-Sex Couples Felt When Marriage Became Legal

For these four couples who married before the Supreme Court’s decision, the legalization was an extra-special wedding present. ONCE LIKE A SPARK PHOTOGRAPHY To celebrate the first anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage, we asked four of our real wedding couples, who just commemorated their first anniversary too, about how it felt to hear […]

Jun 26
The Supreme Court Has Finally Declared That Same-Sex Marriage Is a Right For All!

Best Pride Month ever: In a momentous decision, the Supreme Court of the United States finally ruled today that same-sex marriage is a national right! by Ivy Jacobson Get out your champagne glasses, because #LoveWins! On Friday, June 26, the Supreme Court of the United States made history by ruling that all American citizens nationwide […]

Jun 26
Norway’s Lutheran Church Says “Yes” to Same-Sex Marriage

Here’s why language matters. by Catherine Jessee The Lutheran Church of Norway met on Monday to vote for gender-neutral language that pastors will use to conduct same-sex marriages. At the Church’s annual conference last April, leaders voted to back same-sex marriage, but had no marriage text or scripts that didn’t include the words “bride” or […]