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Category: Real Weddings

Nov 23
Ashley and Jillian – love story

The beginning of the story Jill and Ashley met through a close friend, at a concert. When Ashley met Jillian she took over the entire atmosphere with her energy and smile. After that whenever they knew a group of their friends would be in the same place at the same event they both would try […]

Nov 19
how to find the Style of your gown?

Yes, it’s not easy, stressful, expensive and so on. But, make Slow, breath in and out. One of the ways is to learn your own style. 5 steps to your style 1. Pick Your Silhouette Your ideal gown’s shape is partly based on the style you like, the venue, and mood of your wedding, and […]

Nov 05
Tiara and Ashley – Two Souls

First Date and First Impression They had been working in the same area for quite some time and didn’t know one another. Ashley ended up asking Tiara out and she said yes. So they went to coffee, and the rest is history. They met up super early at a beautiful coffee shop downtown that overlooked […]

Sep 28
Rainbow Wedding of two women – Emma and Justine

First Date and First Impression It often happens that we get nervous on first dates. And it happened with Emma. On their first date, she was very drunk. But Justine was a perfect lady and took me home and put me to bed with no funny business 😉 First Steps The beginning of a relationship. […]

Sep 21
Love From Tinder, Lesbian Engagement

Every swipe matters! Jessica and Gracie met like many queer couples, online. Gracie immediately knew that she was something special. It was the second Tinder profile she saw. She  doesn’t think she ever swiped right so fast. When they matched, Gracie agonized about what to write to Jess. It turns out, Jess was feeling the […]

Sep 15
Amanda Ford and Amanda Whittle

2 Amanadas, 2 Souls, 2 Hearts – and one Love for Two. Love on Tinder exists! Amanda Ford and Amanda Whittle met on Tinder a little over 5 years ago. Amanda W. is from South Carolina and Amanda F. is from New York. They both moved to Florida for their jobs. It was the first […]

Sep 11
Story about Katie and Jody from Oregon

(Or Koko and Jojo, how they call each other) Katie 34 and Jody 39, together for 7 years. This is the story of love from the first sight. We can only envy such stories, because usually you really need time, to understand that it’s your person and your choice is right and so on…. So […]

Jun 26
Hindu Parents Tossed the Rulebook and Threw Their Son a Lavish Same-Sex Wedding

Love and acceptance are the true staples of tradition (and a really awesome wedding!). by Maggie Seaver Rishi Agarwal’s father Vijay and mother Sushma generously funded his extravagant Indian wedding in Oakville, Canada. The celebration included all the customary rituals and ornate trappings of a conventional Hindu wedding—except for one, pretty major detail: Rishi married a […]